Message from the person in question

To prevent the increase of stray cats, we can teach know-how and advice on how to perform sterilization and castration surgeries, lend traps, and help those without cars transport their cats to the veterinarian.

The cost is 5,000-5,500 yen at a TNR cooperating veterinarian if you pay all the expenses yourself, The Sakura Neko Ticket through the City Hall costs 0 yen, and the city subsidy (5,000 yen for a one-time replacement) costs 0 to 500 yen per animal. However, only stray cats are accepted.

Although the Sakura Neko Ticket and subsidies are occasionally mentioned in public relations magazines, I feel that people seem to feel that the threshold is too high, or that they end up turning a blind eye to the problems.

From last year to this year, we conducted TNR for 20 stray cats in the Nakayama area.

The average lifespan of a stray cat is said to be 4 to 5 years due to illness or accidents, but they are highly fertile and can give birth 2 to 4 times a year (from 6 months old), and one pair can produce 20 cats in a year.... A pair can give birth 2 to 4 times a year (from 6 months old). The number of feral cats increases in a Ponzi scheme, and the damage caused by feral cats increases as a result, TNR will prevent further increase in the number of stray cats and reduce the damage, and since they do not reproduce, there will be less fighting, less marking, and a peaceful life for both the cats and the residents. The cats will live in peace and quiet.

It is not that feeding them is wrong (they will scavenge garbage if they are not fed), but that feeding and TNR must be done as a set, and that food must be given at a set time and cleaned up so as not to attract new stray cats and wild animals from elsewhere. (Do not leave them unattended.)

We would be happy to do that kind of talk session on stray cats upon request.

What is Sakura Neko ♥ TNR?

The following information has been made available to the public by the " Animal Foundation" (usage reported).
