What is a self-governing body anyway?

Although they may be asked by the city to distribute PR newsletters for a fee or cooperate with city projects, these groups are organized and operated by local residents on a voluntary basis and are separate from the city.

We organize ourselves to improve the community in which we live.

What are the benefits of joining a neighborhood association? I don't want to join because I don't see the point in its existence...

Membership in a neighborhood association is not mandatory.

However, for example, the garbage collection point (clean station) is managed by the community association, and the security lights, which are useful to residents at night, are maintained and managed by the community association, which pays for the electricity.

In addition, the neighborhood association contributes to a better living environment in areas where people are not aware of it, such as the installation of curve mirrors to ensure the safety of traffic on roads and the encouragement of the city to dredge the Shinpuku River, which tends to accumulate sludge.

Thus, community associations do things that are difficult for individuals to handle. Also, you may be concerned about the burden of community association activities due to your advanced age...but in an environment where there is no mutual aid system, it is the socially vulnerable who will suffer the most disadvantages in the event of an emergency.

Although you can receive the above benefits without joining a neighborhood association, we would be grateful if you would support us by joining a neighborhood association to make this land you live in a better place to live.

Even if you just pay the membership fee, it will be a great help to us in running the community association.

What are community association dues used for? How much are the community association dues per month (per year)?

The community association fee is 500 yen per month (6,000 yen per year), which is used to pay for maintenance of security lights, cleaning and beautification activities, expenses related to projects approved at the annual general meeting, reserve fund for repairing the community hall, and liaison activities with various organizations. For more details, please refer to the financial report and budget plan included in the annual general meeting materials.

Do you have any income other than the community association fee?

The city provides grants based on the number of households and donations for events and other activities.

Can I join a neighborhood association even though I have not moved my residence to this area?

If you live in the area, you are welcome to join.

How is my personal information managed?

The information of community members is used only for the purposes set forth by the community association. In addition, personal information is properly managed by the community association president and board members.

In addition, all self-governing members need to be aware of their responsibilities regarding the management of personal information. For more information, please check " Responsibilities of Local Autonomy Members Concerning Handling of Personal Information.