Use of the Community center

Priority for use of the Community Center will be given to events related to the community association.

Please note that the 2nd floor of the Comunity center is designated as a "Rest Home for the Elderly," and unauthorized entry or use of the 2nd floor is strictly prohibited.

  • To apply for use, please contact [Obata Residents' Association Chairman 39-0955].
    • *Electronic applications are currently under preparation.
  • The keys to the community center are kept by Mazda Denki (3 districts).
  • When renting a key, please pay the stipulated fee.
  • Please make sure to clean up after use, turn off the air conditioner, put out the fire, etc., and record the information of users, etc. in the [Record of fire door closure at the community center] provided at the entrance.
  • Please be sure to take your garbage home with you.