Responsibilities of Autonomy Members Regarding Handling of Personal Information

This is a reminder regarding the handling of personal information that may become known through the community association membership list, community association activities, etc.
The information will be circulated periodically for awareness and reminder.

Responsibilities of Autonomy Members Regarding Handling of Personal Information

All self-governing members must recognize the importance of protecting personal information, manage their own personal information appropriately, and handle the personal information of others in a manner that does not infringe on the rights and interests of others.
We ask for your understanding and cooperation in the proper handling of personal information, as it is the duty of all self-governing members.


This information will be used for community association activities.
The purpose is to know who lives in the neighborhood so that mutual contact can be made among community members and to use the information for support activities in the event of an emergency or disaster, based on the basic idea of creating a safe and secure community that values human connections.

Use of roster

The self-governing members shall use the list in accordance with its purpose, and shall not show or provide the list to anyone other than the self-governing members. In addition, they must properly manage the list so that personal information is not leaked to any third party.

How to dispose of the roster when you renew it or when you no longer need it due to relocation, etc.

Return to the community association or cut and destroy.