Beautification activities

Request for pet management (again)

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in the activities of the neighborhood association. Now, regarding the title of this article, many people in the town keep dogs and cats, and I would like to ask a favor of everyone. There are those who are inconvenienced by some ill-mannered people. The main things that are considered dog nuisances include The main things that are considered a nuisance to cats include While it is a big problem to let dogs go unleashed, cats should also be kept indoors as much as possible, and not left unattended. Cats should also be kept indoors as much as possible, and should be kept on […]

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Regular spring cleaning in spring 2024 .

As already announced in the annual schedule of events, the regular spring cleaning will be held on Sunday, May 26, as follows. Note, Special cleanups (cleaning of the Community Center, mowing of the Nakayama Sports Plaza, cleaning of the Shinpuku River, and mowing of the promenade) will not be conducted, so no help is needed from each district or group. Date & time Sunday, May 28, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Details of implementation Cleanup of gutter areas and vacant lots in each district (*The following is a list of items from previous years for reference, but the details to be implemented should be determined by the circumstances of […]

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Year-end cleanup in 2023

As already announced in the annual schedule of events, the regular spring cleaning will be held on December 10 (Sun.) as follows. Note, Special cleanups (cleaning of the Community Center, mowing of the Nakayama Sports Plaza, cleaning of the Shinpuku River, and mowing of the promenade) will not be conducted, so no help is needed from each district or group. Date & time Sunday, May 28, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Details of implementation Cleanup of gutter areas and vacant lots in each district (*The following is a list of items from previous years for reference, but the details to be implemented should be determined by the circumstances of […]

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Requests Regarding Pet Management

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in the activities of the neighborhood association. Now, regarding the title of this article, many people in the town keep dogs and cats, and I would like to ask a favor of everyone. There are those who are inconvenienced by some ill-mannered people. The main things that are considered dog nuisances include Poop is left on the streets and in parks. They are allowed to pee on park plants, flower beds, and grassy areas. Pee on gateposts and walls. The dog is not leashed and is allowed to come and go freely in and out of the house. I let them play off […]

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Regular Spring 2023 Cleaning

As already announced in the annual schedule of events, the regular spring cleaning will be held on May 28 (Sun.) as follows. We will be conducting the spring cleaning on Sunday, May 28th, as follows. Note, Special cleanups (cleaning of the Community Center, mowing of the Nakayama Sports Plaza, cleaning of the Shinpuku River, and mowing of the promenade) will not be conducted, so no help is needed from each district or group. Date & time Sunday, May 28, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Details of implementation Cleanup of gutter areas and vacant lots in each district (*The following is a list of items from previous years for reference, […]

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Requests for use of clean stations and improvement of garbage disposal manners

This notice is intended for all people who may be using the garbage collection point (= Clean Station) managed by the Nakayama Community Association, including not only members of the community association but also those who are not a member of the community association. Requests Regarding the Use of Clean Stations Please agree to the following before using Clean Station. Request for Improvement of Trash Dumping Manners

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Children's Square has been defaced.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in the activities of the neighborhood association.Last month, we issued a reminder about littering with cigarettes and garbage in our "Let's not litter with cigarettes and garbage" circular, but on a recent Zero Garbage Day, we found cigarettes and garbage littered in the Nakayama Children's Square. First of all, as a matter of manners, it is not good to litter with cigarettes or garbage, and littering in the Children's Plaza, which is also a playground for children, is unbecoming behavior for an adult.

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Regular Spring Cleaning in Spring 2022

As already announced in the annual schedule of events, a regular spring cleaning will be held on Sunday, May 29, as follows. Since we are still in a situation where we need to pay attention to the new Corona, Please do as much as you can to avoid the three densely populated areas. Note, Special cleanups (cleaning of the Community Center, mowing of the Nakayama Sports Plaza, cleaning of the Shinpuku River, and mowing of the promenade) will not be conducted, so no help is needed from each district or group. record 1. Date: Sunday, May29, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a. m. 2. Cleaning of gutters and vacant lots in each […]

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Don't smoke or litter.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in the activities of the neighborhood association. Now, regarding the title of this article, we have received reports from several community members that cigarette butts have been thrown out in front of their homes and that there is littering. Not only for the reasons listed below, but also as a matter of good manners, the Residents' Association would like to request in this circular that you stop smoking and littering. reference

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Extermination of Pteridophyllum japonicum (Pteridophyllum japonicum)

This beautiful yellow flower, This beautiful yellow flower is a plant named "Aster kinkei ginkgo and is a Specified Invasive Alien Species. It is a plant that must be exterminated. Cultivation is prohibited. Cultivation is prohibited. Flowering season May-July It is not toxic, but it is suspected of causing damage to the ecosystem due to its prolific reproductive capacity. If you plant it in your garden because it is beautiful, it will quickly multiply. It is found in large numbers within the Hirano area, which also includes Nakayama. Please exterminate these flowers when you find them. To exterminate, do not mow, Pull out the entire root system, put it in […]

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