Extermination of Pteridophyllum japonicum (Pteridophyllum japonicum)

  • This beautiful yellow flower, This beautiful yellow flower is a plant named "Aster kinkei ginkgo and is a Specified Invasive Alien Species. It is a plant that must be exterminated. Cultivation is prohibited. Cultivation is prohibited. Flowering season May-July
  • It is not toxic, but it is suspected of causing damage to the ecosystem due to its prolific reproductive capacity. If you plant it in your garden because it is beautiful, it will quickly multiply.
  • It is found in large numbers within the Hirano area, which also includes Nakayama. Please exterminate these flowers when you find them.
  • To exterminate, do not mow, Pull out the entire root system, put it in a plastic bag, and dispose of it as burnable trash. If it grows back next year, do it again and continue until it is no longer growing.


Law Concerning the Prevention of Damage to Ecosystems Caused by Specified Invasive Alien Species (Invasive Alien Species Act) enacted in 2005.

According to the The penalty for violation is imprisonment for not more than 3 years and a fine of not more than 3,000,000 yen.

scarlet-tinged cosmos (Colocasia victoria var. coccinea)
scarlet-tinged cosmos (Colocasia victoria var. coccinea)

This flower is the Kibana cosmos, a flower similar to the asteraceae.

This flower is cultivated as one of the horticultural varieties. *Blooming season July-October

These two species differ in the shape of their leaves. The yellow-flowered cosmos has leaves with many lobes, whereas the goldenrod has thick, hairy leaves.