May 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

May board meeting

The following items were discussed by the three directors, district heads, and group leaders.

(1) Conduct spring cleaning (zero waste)

  • Date and Time: Sunday, May 28, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
    • Please see details in a separate circular.
    • The map of the garbage collection point is Check it here.
  • The Spring Cleanup (Zero Garbage) is a City project, so please request participation from non-self-governing members.

(2) Others

  • Requests to the City for installation of curve mirrors and security lights, etc.
    • If you have any requests for installation in your community association area, please inform the three city officials via the head of the group and then the district head. The actual installation or improvement depends on the city's review, so it is not always possible for the request to be fulfilled, but the community association should continue to make requests to the city.
  • A survey of large and small tame trout in Higashimatsuyama City will be conducted at City Hall. (Mid-May to mid-June)
  • The first face to face meeting of the project (tentative name) to develop a plan to improve the activities of the community association was held at 11:00 a.m.

Those who have changed neighborhood associations, etc.

*We will refrain from posting individual names on our website. Please check the circular.

Next Board Meeting

  • The next board meeting will be held on [June 4, 2023 (week 1), 10:00-11:00 a.m.], with only the three officers and the district director, but new officers who are interested are also welcome to attend.