July 2022 Board of Directors Meeting Report

July board meeting

The following agenda items were handled by the three officers and each district director.

(1) About the Hirano Area Citizens' Athletic Festival

  • According to the Hirano District, this year's Sports Festival will be held on October 2, but on a reduced scale, with competitions finishing in the morning and no inter-district competitions. In preparation for the event, each community association will need to determine the number of people who will support the operation of the event. In our community association, the "Sports Leader" will be in charge of Sports Festival-related tasks, and we would like to ask the Sports Leader to attend the next board meeting on August 7 (Sun.) at 10:00. At that meeting, we will explain the roles and assign roles.

(2) About the Nakayama Festival


  • This summer vacation, morning radio exercises will be conducted by PTA officers (August 24.25.26).
  • Requests were made to the city to install curve mirrors and security lights, and to repair gutters.
  • Sakura Neko Activity" poster as a measure against stray cats was posted on the bulletin board.
  • The septic tank blower adjacent to the borough hall failed, so we purchased this unit.
  • Discussion was held on how to deal with non-self-governing members regarding distribution of PR magazines, etc., as received from the District Director. The three officers will summarize their views.
  • We have addressed issues related to the use of clean stations and garbage disposal. Please refer to " Request for Improvement of Clean Station Use and Trash Disposal Manners.

Those who have changed neighborhood associations, etc.

*We will refrain from posting individual names on our website. Please check the circular.

Next Board Meeting

  • The next board meeting will be [August 7 (week 1), 10:00-11:00 a.m.] and will be attended by the three officers, the district director, and the athletic director only.