Use of the former sports park (Nakayama park)

We have received questions from several community members regarding the fence that was recently erected on the boundary between the old sports plaza (Nakayama Plaza) and the road, and we would like to make this information known to you by circulation.

  • Until 10 years ago, a use agreement was concluded between the "former" landowner and the Nakayama Neighborhood Association for the former sports plaza, which allowed the free use of the plaza by the community members.
  • The user agreement ended 10 years ago, but the process was not well known to the self-governing members.
  • Since then, the "former" landowner's position was that he was naturally dissatisfied with the fact that although it was private property, members of the community were entering the property, causing dog feces damage, littering trash, etc., and he wanted to convert the property to a solar panel installation use (like an adjacent area).
  • The "current" landowner (a member of the local community), who was aware of this information, purchased the land with his own private funds with the good intention of making it better than completely off-limits for the installation of solar panels.
    Nakayama Neighborhood Association is not involved in any way in this contract.
  • The "current" landowner kindly offered the Nakayama Neighborhood Association the use of the land as an emergency shelter for summer radio exercises and waste collection, as long as they contact us, even though the land is privately owned (that is why it is not completely fenced off).
  • In addition, the company maintained the installation of a clean station at the corner of the site.

Because of this, we ask that you please refrain from casually entering the area, including dog walkers, in the future, based on the understanding that the area is private property.

As mentioned above, there is a possibility that we may be able to use the room if the conditions of "reasonable grounds for use" and "prior notice" are met, in which case, please contact Mr. Obata, the Nakayama community chairperson.