Someone has a noise problem .

Thank you for your cooperation in the activities of the neighborhood association. We would like to inform you that we have received a noise complaint.

Noise from mufflers of unauthorized modified vehicles

We have recently received complaints about noticeable muffler noise from modified vehicles. In particular, the morning and evening blaring is causing significant damage to the quality of life and restful sleep for those living in the neighborhood.

Unauthorized modification of a vehicle not only violates the Road Trucking Vehicle Law, but also causes a great deal of inconvenience to those around it.

Therefore, we ask that those who own vehicles with unauthorized modifications take appropriate remedial measures immediately. We also ask that you refrain strictly from running empty late at night or early in the morning in order to maintain the peace and quiet in the area.

The hustle and bustle of unorthodox hours

Recently, there has been a problem with the bustling noise that occurs in squares and private property (including gardens, etc.) during uncommon hours. In some cases, loud conversations and sports (e.g., wall-hitting) are taking place, and we have received complaints from residents living in the vicinity.

The plaza is a place of recreation and relaxation for the community and is essentially free to use. The same is true for private property. However, there are cases in which some nuisance activities cause problems in the lives of nearby residents.

Therefore, we would like to ask everyone to keep the following points in mind.

  • Please refrain from activities involving loud noises late at night or early in the morning so as not to disturb the restful sleep of nearby residents.
  • Please be careful not to talk loudly or play music as it may disturb others.
  • For sports activities, please choose the time and place and do not generate excessive noise.

We ask for your understanding and cooperation so that each of you can maintain a comfortable living environment by being aware of your manners.