February 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

February board meeting

The following items were discussed by the three directors, district heads, and group leaders.

(1) About the General Meeting of the Residents' Association

(2) Receipt of list of incoming officers

  • We have received the current list of incoming officers. We have heard that some districts have not completed the handover and the list is still provisional. If you have any corrections, please make them at the March board meeting through your district director.

(3) Closing date for accounting is the end of February

  • As we reported last month, the Nakayama Residents' Association's accounts are closed at the end of February.
  • Group leaders are requested to complete the collection of dues up to the end of the current fiscal year (March) by the end of February and submit the dues collection ledger and other documents to the district manager (please refer to the "Handling of Accounting Documents" distributed in April). (Please refer to "Handling of Accounting Documents" distributed in April.) The district director should submit the dues to the treasurer's residence. If there is no membership fee and only the ledger, it can be submitted by post. (Please do so by the end of February as it will not be ready in time for the next board meeting.)

Those who have changed neighborhood associations


Next Board Meeting

  • The next board meeting will be [March 12, 2023 (week 1), 10:00-11:00 a.m.] and will be attended by the three officers and the district director only.