May 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

May board meeting

The following agenda items were handled by the three directors, each district director, deputy district director, and group leader.

(1) Conduct spring cleaning (zero waste)

  • Date and Time: Sunday, May 26, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
    • Please see details in a separate circular.
    • The map of the garbage collection point is from the homepage
  • The Spring Cleanup (Zero Garbage) is a City project, so please request participation from non-self-governing members.

(2) Consideration of various improvement proposals requiring changes in the constitution

  • As conditions inside and outside the community association have changed since the establishment of the constitution, we will consider revisions to match the reality of our activities.
    • Abolition of admission fee (initially used to fund major repairs, etc., within the community association)
    • Elimination of the decision to charge 1,000 yen for missed cleaning (to eliminate unfairness with non-members who do not attend cleaning).
    • Increase maternity gifts (children are very important for the aging population)
    • (Reduce the burden on district heads. (To elect one person from each district)
    • (In principle, individual distribution to non-members will be discontinued. (In principle, individual distribution to non-members will be eliminated. Consideration will be given to simple methods of distribution such as placing post boxes on bulletin boards.)
    • (Currently, the role of the group leader is assigned by job category, such as general affairs, public relations, welfare, and athletics, but we would like to leave it up to the discretion of the district officers as to who is in charge of what and when. (We believe that the concept of "those who can do what they can do, when they can do it" is more sustainable.)

(3) Other

  • Requests to the City
    • If you have any requests regarding the installation of curve mirrors and security lights, and areas that you think need road repairs, please inform the three city officials via the group leader to the district leader. The actual installation or improvement depends on the city's review, so it is not always possible for the requests to be fulfilled.
  • Consideration of the timing of the 47th Nakayama Festival
    • As in the previous year, the event will be planned on the basis of holding the event in the fall, avoiding the period of extreme heat.
  • Requests for cooperation in other activities
    • Athletic Section: Hirano District Athletic Festival Executive Committee Member, Three-Day March Pear Peeling Entertainment
    • General Affairs Section: Assistance for planting full of flowers (5/15 13:00)

Those who have changed neighborhood associations, etc.

*We will refrain from posting individual names on our website. Please check the circular.

Next Board Meeting

  • The next board meeting will be [June 2, 2024 (week 1), 10:00-11:00 a.m.