July 2024 Board of Directors Meeting Report

July board meeting

The following agenda items were handled by the three directors, each district director, deputy district director, and group leader.

(1) Dissemination of information related to disaster prevention

  • As part of the disaster drill, disseminate the following information about the community center.
    • Emergency exit locations (2 locations on 1F and 2F), fire extinguisher locations (3 locations at the entrance of the community center, kitchen, and 2F), tanker locations, fire alarms, and the address of the center.

(2) About the Hirano Area Citizens' Athletic Festival

  • Scheduled to be held on Sunday, October 6.After the board meeting, the officers in charge of physical education will review the duty roster for the day.

(3) About the Nakayama Festival

  • Scheduled to be held on Oct. 27 (Sun.).Supported by Higashimatsuyama City.Committee members are always welcome.

(4) Discussion of various improvement plans for community association activities (continued from the previous meeting)

  • The following is a list of items that the board of directors decided to revise at the last meeting (previous memo, no discussion needed).No discussion needed as there were no issues).
    • Elimination of admission fee, increase in maternity gifts, and relaxation of the restriction of clean leaders to district heads only.
  • The following items were brought back for consideration, and we would like to hear from anyone who has any comments or odd ideas.
    • Proposal to abolish the $1,000 cleaning absenteeism rule.
      • While there are some who say that it should be abolished, there are a certain number of cases where it serves as a deterrent to "get out because I don't want to pay," so how do we come to terms with this point?
    • Proposal to leave the role of district head and group leader unfixed and leave it to discussion within the district
      • Due to conflicting opinions, no decision was made at the last meeting.
    • Review of PR distribution methods
      • No decision was made at the last meeting because various opinions were raised, such as: distribution should be made door-to-door as a general rule, distribution to non-members is unnecessary, and decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis, etc.

5) Others

  • The PTA plans to conduct summer vacation radio calisthenics and bell mark collection project.The detailed schedule will be circulated at a later date.
  • We would like to discuss planning with the director in charge of welfare regarding the implementation of this year's Respect-for-Senior-Citizens party.

Those who have changed neighborhood associations, etc.

*We will refrain from posting individual names on our website. Please check the circular.

Next Board Meeting

  • The next board meeting is [August 4 (week 1), 10:00-11:00 a.m.], and the four district officers are in charge of setting up.
  • Welfare officers are required to attend the Respect-for-Senior-Citizens meeting for planning purposes.