August 2024 Board of Directors Meeting Report

August board meeting

The following agenda items were handled by the three directors, each district director, deputy district director, and group leader.

(1) About the Hirano Area Citizens' Athletic Festival

  • Confirmation of date and time
    • October 6, 2024 (Sun.) 9:00 a.m.- (Matsuni Elementary School grounds, rain or shine, no backup date)
    • Preparation for setting up tents, etc.: Saturday, October 5, 1:30 p.m. at Matsuni Elementary School
      • In case of rain, Sunday, October 6, 6:30 a.m.
  • Confirmation of each role of the physical education officer
    • Preparatory meeting (Hirano Shimin Katsudo Center)
      • Chairman and Executive Committee Members: Tuesday, September 3, 6:30 p.m.
      • All those assigned in the above: Sunday, September 29, 9:30 a.m.

(2) About the Nakayama Festival

  • Sunday, October 27, 2024 *scheduled from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
  • We ask that each board member coordinate his/her schedule to help clean up on the morning of Saturday, October 26, the day before the festival and on the day of the festival (in previous years, cleanup began around the middle of the festival, before the raffle drawing, and took about an hour to complete).
  • The following events are currently being planned.
    • Invitation of various food and beverage stalls and kitchen cars
    • Japanese drums, brass band, kids dance, Agriculture University Senior High School Cheering Squad, animal petting experience, children's corner by PTA, and others.
  • Executive committee members are always welcome, so please contact the three officers if you are interested.
  • In the past, banquets and other events have been held using district activity funds, so this could be considered in each district.

(3) About the Respect-for-Senior-Citizens Meeting

  • The Benefits Officer has discussed the issue and decided to take a survey for members.Please see separate circular.

4) Others

  • Summer Seminar: 8/20 (Tue) 10:00-12:00 (doors open 9:15) Matsuyama Shimin Katsudo Center
    • Theme "Why don't you learnTips for Future Community Association Activities"
    • If you wish to participate, please contact the chairman.
  • Cleanup activities of the "Ka (flower), Ho (walk), Ri (pear) Project
    • Thursday, 2024/10/17, 8:30-10:00 a.m. (several people in charge of general affairs, meeting at Hirakatsu)
  • The judging for the flower-filled contest was held, and the Nakayama Neighborhood Association came in 7th place.

Those who have changed neighborhood associations, etc.

*We will refrain from posting individual names on our website. Please check the circular.

Next Board Meeting

  • Next board meeting: [September 8 (2nd week), 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.] The board members in charge of setting up the meeting are the 5 district officers.