Call for members for the project to develop a plan to improve the activities of Residents' Association

*The following is the recruitment flyer that was circulated.

Initial recruitment has ended and activities have begun, but members are always welcome.

The main purpose of the project

Our Residents' Association is a historic community association that was established in 1965. In the past, we have made many progressive efforts and have gained a certain reputation among our neighbors. However, due to the declining birthrate and aging population, it is becoming increasingly difficult to continue traditional community association activities.
In light of this situation, we have decided to launch a new project.

Since the Corona disaster, the concerns and problems faced by local residents have become increasingly diverse. Under these circumstances, there is a need to create new opportunities for mutual aid.

Let's think together about a livable community association.

Major Topics of Discussion

(1) Clarification of the benefits of being an autonomous member

Since the difference between non-Association members and Association members is not so great in daily life, we will consider measures to differentiate the benefits received so that the benefits of being a self-governance member can be felt.

(2) Restructuring of Residents' Association events

We will review our customary events from the ground up and abolish those that should be abolished and implement those that should be newly implemented in order to create new opportunities for mutual aid and exchange after the Corona disaster.

(3) Formulate a specific plan for the repair of the community center

We will begin specific exit studies, including obtaining rough estimates assuming total demolition and rebuilding, and estimating subsidies from the city. Ultimately, we aim to reduce the membership fee in the next few years.

Project Member Application Guidelines

  • Target: Those who agree with the main purpose of the above project
  • QUALIFICATIONS: High school students and older (*Regardless of whether you are a member of the local community or not. Widely interested in revitalizing the local community)
  • Capacity: not fixed (subject to adjustment in case of a large number of applications)
  • Others: Those who are able to attend meetings at the Dongping Nakayama Community Center about once a month .

How to apply

  • Please click on the Project Member Application Form button and fill in the required information in the transition area.
  • You can do this by filling out the member registration form included in the circular or by directly announcing your participation to the group leader, district leader, deputy district leader, and three officers.

Application period .

  • Sunday, April 16 - Saturday, May 13, 2023
  • Initial recruitment has ended and activities have begun, but members are always welcome.


  • 11:00-12:00 after each month's board meeting .
    • First Sunday of June, July, December and February .
    • Second Sunday of April, May, August, September, October, November, January and March .