Recruitment of helpers on the day of the 46th Nakayama Festival

In previous festivals, district heads, vice district heads, and group leaders were always required to participate in the operation of the festival, but this time we are not forcing them to do so, based on the idea of "those who can do what they can do".
On the other hand, the cooperation of volunteers is essential for the implementation and success of the event.

If you are able to assist us with any of the following tasks for each of your responsibilities, we would be very grateful for your cooperation.
Please fill out a separate circular or register using the recruitment form on our website.

  • Those who cooperate will receive additional raffle tickets for the "Fun Drawing" to be held at the end of the festival, in addition to those distributed to community members.
  • We will do so based on the idea that those who cooperate with us in any way should receive some kind of benefit.
  • *The special prize for this year's raffle is a "Nintendo DS" and the first prize is a "Botan-en 10,000 yen worth" that can be used at nearby supermarkets, etc.

Application Guidelines

  • Roles
    • *Basically, preference will be given, but if a slot is filled, you may be asked to take on another assignment.
  • Place and time to be engaged
    • Nakayama Children's Park
    • A few hours on the day of the festival (Sunday, October 15, 9:00-18:00) (anticipate shifts in 3-hour increments) *Please see table for details. Multiple slots are welcome.
    • In some cases, you may be asked to help with preparations the day before.
  • Responsibilities under recruitment
    • Garbage collection point: Garbage collection and raffle ticket exchange
    • On-site cleaning: Patrols to pick up litter that has fallen in the area
    • Traffic guidance : Guidance in parking lots and surrounding streets
    • Yakitori : Yakitori (grilled and served ) procured by the Residents' Association
    • Sausage: Sausage(grilled and served ) procured by the Residents' Association
    • Lemonade stand : Lemonade production and serving .
    • Beverage Sales : Provision of beverages
    • Accounting and shopping ticket sales :Purchase tickets sold at the headquarter treasurer's jamoku .
    • Guest receptionist : Reception desk for guests. Guidance for filling out the guest book and handing out souvenirs .
    • Reception : Provision of beverages, etc. to guests

Concept of the 46th Nakayama Festival

Create a hometown for our children and grandchildren. And, let's create a place for exchange and a circle of mutual help that is in line with the times.

  • Due to the declining birthrate and aging population, our community association has been unable to be as active as in the past for the past several years. With the background of many people "straining" to maintain the activities of the community association, many members were concerned that we would eventually reach our limits.
  • This, combined with the refraining from going out and socializing due to the new coronavirus, has put a yellow light on the maintenance of the foundation of mutual aid, which is based on horizontal ties, and is one of the reasons for the existence of neighborhood associations.
  • In the same vein, with the new coronavirus countermeasures and financial pressure factors due to the declining birthrate, aging population, and dispersion of urban functions, we cannot expect too much from "public assistance," and we felt that rebuilding the foundation of "mutual assistance" here is important for the future lives of the local government members.
  • Therefore, the planning of the 46th Nakayama Festival was launched with the idea of creating a place for exchange in a new form, without being bound by conventional precedents (style).