Notice to Local Residents Regarding the 47th Nakayama Festival

Dear Autonomous Community Members, This is an announcement regarding the 47th Nakayama Festival.Please be especially aware of the underlined parts in bold.

(1) Date, time, place and content

  • October 27, 2024 (Sun.) 12:00 - 18:00 (Nakayama Children's Plaza) *Small rain date
  • Please see our brochure and website.
  • 神輿体験は安全確保のため、小学校高学年の生徒からの参加が可能です。近年、神輿に触れられる機会はなかなかないので、ぜひ奮って参加ください。
  • A workshop on Botan Ondo, which will be danced at the closing event of the festival, will be held on both Fridays, October 18 and 25, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Jichi Kaikan.Please come and join us.
  • Higashimatsuyama Cable TV and Saitama Magazine are scheduled to cover the event during the event.

(2) Advance distribution of tickets for use of food and beverage booths for Nakayama members

  • 会費を納入いただいている自治会員の皆様へ、200円分の飲食ブース利用券(食券)を班長を通じて事前配布します。なお、利用されなかった場合の返金は行いませんのでご了承ください。あくまで祭りにいらっしゃる方への補助という位置づけになります。

(3) Pre-distribution of fun raffle tickets for Nakayama members

  • Raffle tickets will be distributed in advance to all residents' association members who have paid their dues through their group leaders. Additional tickets will be distributed separately to those who volunteer to run the event.
  • A lottery box will be placed at the venue on the day of the event, so please cast your vote by 5:30 p.m. when the lottery begins.
  • Please note that if you are not at the venue when the winners are read out at the fun drawing, you will lose your eligibility to win and the drawing will be conducted again.
  • Please note that if you have already won a prize in the multiple voting, it will be invalidated even if you win again.
  • Winners will be announced by lottery winners by reading out the winners' names. Please note that if the letters cannot be discerned, the prize may be invalidated.

4) Others

  • 食べものには、一度に買える数量の制限を設けます。多くの方に行き渡るように、買いだめ等は控えていただくよう、お願い致します。
  • We have received offers of sponsorship from various companies in the neighborhood.We are considering distributing these items to members of the local community, but since the details of the sponsorship items have not been finalized at this time, we will announce details on our website, Facebook, and Twitter before the event.As the timing of the distribution is too late, those who are interested are requested to obtain the information via the Internet.
    Please note that the quantity is not for all households in the community association.Please understand that this is a generous donation.
  • In case of rain, the event will be cancelled externally.However, as foodstuffs cannot be cancelled, we will sell them by some means or other, as we did last year.Please check our website, Facebook, and Twitter for more information.

(5) Preparation and clean-up

  • Group leaders are requested to gather in front of the Community Center on the following schedule (expected to take 1-2 hours each)
    • Saturday, 26th, 10:00 - the day before: Carrying in desks and chairs, taking down tents, setting up equipment for serving food and beverages, etc.
    • 翌日の28日(月)09:00~:設置した備品類の撤収