December 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

December board meeting

The following items were discussed by the three directors, district heads, and group leaders

①Year-end Cleaning ;

  • As reported last month, the event will take place on Sunday, December 10, from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
    • Group leaders who were not able to pick up the supplies (gloves, garbage bags, etc.) before the board meeting should come to the front of the community center on the morning of the day of the event. If any shortages occur during the implementation of the event, they will also be distributed on the day of the event.
  • Please review the following again, which we circulated last month.
    • Grass, branches, etc. that have been cut will not be collected at the collection site if they are left as they are. Please cut branches into 60cm lengths and bundle them, or bag fallen leaves, etc., in the same manner as you normally dispose of them at the clean station.
    • District head or The head of the district or group will ask for help in other areas depending on the situation. In some districts and groups, there have been cases where there are many trout pools downstream of ditches but not enough manpower, or where there is no manpower and it is too heavy to open the lid of the trout pools. We would appreciate your cooperation in such cases.
    • The equivalent to last month's circular is "here" You can also check it from "here".

(2) Others

  • In late October and early November, the outdoor units of air conditioners, water heater-related equipment, water faucets, and other items were stolen from the meeting hall.
  • Our community association will install infrared-sensitive security lights around the outdoor units.

Those who have changed neighborhood associations


Next Board Meeting

  • Next board meeting:[January 7, 2024 (week 1), 10:00-11:00 am].