April 2024 Board of Directors Meeting Report

April board meeting .

The following agenda items were handled by the three directors, each district director, deputy district director, and group leader.

(1) Report on the Regular General Meeting for FY2023 and the April Board of Directors' Meeting

(2) Most recent business schedule (details to be announced at the next board meeting)

  • Conduct spring cleaning (zero waste)
    • Date & Time: Sunday, May 26, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. (details to be circulated next month)
    • Military gloves, sandbags and other supplies Distribution will take place in front of the community center on May 14 (Sun.), the next board meeting. Each group leader will be asked to take home his/her own portion.
    • The Spring Cleanup (Zero Garbage) is a City project, so please ask your non-neighborhood members to participate.

(3) Others (details that could not be presented at the board meeting due to time constraints)

  • Volunteer Community Association Improvement Planning Project Members Needed (to be circulated separately)
  • As indicated at the end of the general meeting materials, volunteer improvement activities are underway and members are always welcome.


Interested parties are invited to join by circulation or by filling out the form below.

Those who have changed neighborhood associations, etc.

*We will refrain from posting individual names on our website. Please check the circular.

Next Board Meeting

  • The next board meeting will be [May 12, 2024 (week 2), 10:00-11:00 am].