September 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

September board meeting

The following agenda items were handled by the three directors, each district director, deputy district director, and group leader.

(1) About the Hirano Area Citizens' Athletic Festival

  • October 6, 2024 (Sun.) 9:00 a.m.- (Matsuni Elementary School grounds, rain or shine, no backup date)
    • Contestants and district officials should assemble at 8:00 a.m.
    • After the Sports Festival, a consolation party is scheduled at 2:00 p.m. in the community hall.
  • Preparation for setting up tents, etc.: Saturday, October 5, 13:30~ at Matsuni Elementary School*Physical education festival district officers
    • If it rains on the preparation day and there is a good chance of the event being held on that day, the event will be held on October 6 (Sun.) from 6:30 a.m.
  • Please note that only one fun raffle ticket will be distributed per household.
  • September 29 (Sun.) 9:30 a.m. - Meeting at Hirano Civic Activity Center ( *only for district officers )

(2) About the Nakayama Festival

  • October 27, 2024 (Sun.) 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Nakayama Children's Square (light rain, cancelled in case of stormy weather)
  • Details of the project, etc. will be posted on the website of the Nakayama Residents' Association as they become available.
    • Various food stalls and kitchen cars will be invited, performances by neighborhood cultural groups, a fun raffle, and other special events are being planned.
  • Board members are requested to help set up the day before and take down the day of the event (times to be announced next month)
  • As in previous years, the event will be supported by Higashimatsuyama City, with sponsorship from neighboring companies and coverage by cable TV.
  • A workshop on Botan Ondo, which is danced at the closing event of the festival, will be held.
    • It will be held on both Fridays, October 18 and 25, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Community Center.Please come and join us.

3) Respect-for-Senior-Citizens Planning

  • We recently circulated a survey and received 14 returned.
  • While the celebrant tends to think of something other than a congratulatory gift, the parties involved tend to be of the opinion that only a congratulatory gift is sufficient, so the decision is made in the direction of a congratulatory gift only.
No.PlanNumber of answers
70 years old or olderPersons other than those listed on the left
1Dinner with entertainment at the Autonomous Community Center + Celebration24
2Souvenir lunch box to take home + congratulatory gift36
3Only congratulatory gifts are required.198
4don't have to do anything.2
  • About the subject
    • The recipients of the "Respect-for-Senior-Citizens Celebration" are those who are "70, 77, 80, 88, and 90 years of age or older at full age," but since it has been quite a few years since the list was no longer updated to protect personal information, the triad has not been able to accurately ascertain their age.
    • As for the information provided by City Hall, which was a topic of discussion at the board meeting, we checked with the Senior Citizens Division, and the answer was still that personal information is not allowed.
    • At the October board meeting, we will distribute a list of potential targets for each group based on data in the Executive Committee's possession, and we will ask you to check the list by referring to it.Please be advised.

4) Requests to those in charge of employee benefits due to the non-holding of the Respect-for-Senior-Citizens Meeting

In the interest of equality with other officers in charge, we request your cooperation in the following tasks.Please contact President Ochiai if you are willing to cooperate on the day of the Sports Festival; the deadline for participation will be when two people have expressed their willingness to participate.If you are not in charge of the gymnastics festival, please support the operation of the Nakayama Festival.

On the day of the athletic festival: 2 persons in charge of welfare are required to support the athletes.

  • Specific Requests
    • Calling of players based on the list of players (players are also in the same tent)
    • Distribution and collection of Nakayama Zekken
    • Set up for the Otsukare-sama-kai after the event (Jichi Kaikan)
  • *All of these events will end in the morning.
  • *People who cooperate will receive a raffle ticket for a fun raffle at the gymnasium.
  • *You can also attend the Otsukare-sama-kai (optional).

Nakayama Festival (during the afternoon hours of October 27): Benefits managers other than those listed above

  • Specific Requests
    • Reception of guests: Prompts guests to sign their names in the guest name book and directs them to their seats.
    • Guest reception: serving beverages to guests (conversation with guests is handled by the former three officers) and cleaning up.
    • Garbage station: support for garbage collection and sorting
  • *All of these requests are for 3 hours of cooperation, as shifts are required.
  • *This is separate from the set-up and tear-down that all board members are asked to do in common.

Those who have changed neighborhood associations, etc.

*We will refrain from posting individual names on our website. Please check the circular.

Next Board Meeting

  • Next board meeting: [October 13 (2nd week), 10:00-11:00 a.m.] The board will be in charge of setting up the meeting, and the 6 district officers will be in charge of setting up the meeting.