
May 2022 Board of Directors Meeting Report

May board meeting The following agenda items were handled by the three officers and each district director. (1) Area beautification-related About Regular Spring Cleaning It will be held on Sunday, May 29, starting at 9:00 a.m. For details, please refer to the separate circular "Regular Spring Cleaning". Purchase new mowers to be used in 6 districts (paid from reserve fund) Littering of cigarettes and garbage Some people are in trouble due to littering. For details, please refer to the separate circular "Don't Litter Cigarettes and Trash". Extermination of Pterocarya rhoifolia The Giant Lily of the valley is a "Specified Invasive Alien Species". If you find it, please pull it out […]

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Report on the 2022 Regular General Meeting

Results of the 2022 Regular General Meeting (written resolution) Due to the problem of the new coronavirus, we decided to vote in writing this time as well, and we received written votes from delegates no later than April 5, 2022.The total number of delegates was 76, and 76 voting forms were submitted (2 of them were treated as absent due to uncollected written voting forms). The General Assembly is deemed to be in session when the voting forms are submitted, and since more than 2/3 of the total number of delegates (50) submitted the voting forms as stipulated, the General Assembly is deemed to be in session. agenda item No. […]

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