
Report on the Regular General Meeting in FY2023

Result of the Regular General Meeting (written resolution) in 2023 Discussion of Proposal Agenda items Number of votes in favor Number of opposites No. 1 Business Report for Fiscal Year 2022 74 0 No. 2 Approval of the financial report and settlement of accounts for the fiscal year 2022 . 74 0 No. 3 Business Plan for FY2023 (Draft) 74 0 Order No. 4 and 5 of the Annual Accounts (Cases) . 74 0 Result With the above, the agenda for the General Meeting was approved in its entirety. Based on this, we will proceed with the projects for the fiscal year 2022. We look forward to your cooperation and […]

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March 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

March board meeting . The following items were discussed by the three directors, district heads, and group leaders. (1) To all group leaders on the occasion of the General Meeting of the Residents' Association (written resolution) (2) To all active members . (3) For those who will be on the board of directors in the new year . (4) Corrections to the agenda and other documents distributed to current board members . Proposal The Role of the District Head and Group Leader Document Those who have changed neighborhood associations, etc. Next Board Meeting

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General Assembly Delegate Proxy Form

Although it will be a written resolution again this year, the general meeting of the Nakayama Residents' Association (the supreme decision-making body of the association composed of the members of the association) will be held in April. Due to the large number of members, the Nakayama Residents' Association has a delegate system for its general meetings. In addition to the current members (group leaders and above), it is necessary to elect two delegates from each group to whom full authority is delegated. Two delegates will be elected to represent each group, and each group leader will visit you individually with a "Nakayama Residents' Association General Assembly Delegate Proxy Form" to […]

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Notice of the General Meeting of the Residents' Association (written resolution) (2023.03.06 Partially updated schedule)

In view of the prevention of the spread of the new coronavirus and the overlapping congressional election schedule, the general meeting of the Residents' Association will again be held this year with a written resolution. Upcoming dates Proposed Agenda for the General Assembly and its Discussion Distribution of the agenda for the General Assembly Election of Delegates to the General Assembly For those who will be delegates to the General Assembly

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February 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

February board meeting The following items were discussed by the three directors, district heads, and group leaders. (1) About the General Meeting of the Residents' Association (2) Receipt of list of incoming officers (3) Closing date for accounting is the end of February Those who have changed neighborhood associations None Next Board Meeting

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January board meeting . The following items were discussed by the three directors, district heads, and group leaders. (1) Year-end cleaning (2) Accounting closing date is the end of February (3) Submission of the list of incoming officers (3) Preparation for the General Meeting Those who have changed neighborhood associations, Next Board Meeting

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December 2022 Board of Directors Meeting

December board meeting The following items were discussed by the three directors, district heads, and group leaders. (1) Upcoming events (2) Year-end cleaning (3) Other Those who have changed neighborhood associations, etc. Next Board Meeting

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November 2022 Board of Directors Meeting Report

November board meeting The following agenda items were handled by the three officers and each district director. (1) Upcoming events (2) Nakayama Respect-for-Senior-Citizens Celebration Money Distribution This year, 102 people were eligible. Congratulations to all of them and thank you for your interest in our program! As I mentioned earlier, the dinner has been cancelled, but the group leaders will distribute congratulatory money to those who are eligible for the dinner. Those who will be 70 (koki), 77 (kiju), 80 (kasarju), 88 (yonju), and 90 (senju) or older as of 12/31 of this year are eligible (full age, not counted years).*This is different from the annual unit of the Respect-for-Senior-Citizens […]

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October 2022 Board of Directors Meeting Report

October board meeting The following agenda items were handled by the three officers and each district director. (1) Respect for the Aged Meeting This year again, we will not hold a dinner format with invited guests, but as in previous years, we will distribute congratulatory money to those who are eligible (70, 77, 80, 88, and 90 years of age or older in full). (2) Future Business Plans The board of directors will decide at the November meeting whether to hold both the year-end cleaning and disaster drill. Other The Hirano Branch of the Council of Social Welfare provided grants to each municipality. Community Activity Support Grant: 15,000 yen Subsidy […]

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September 2022 Board of Directors Meeting

September board meeting The following agenda items were handled by the three officers and each district director. (1) About the Hirano Area Citizens' Athletic Festival At the 2nd Preparatory Meeting for the Hirano Area Citizens' Athletic Festival and the Executive Committee Meeting on September 4 (Sun.), the decision was made to cancel the event after discussion. We apologize to those who have been elected as district officers and those who have filled out the application form to compete. (2) About the Nakayama Festival Following the decision to cancel the Hirano Area Citizens' Athletic Festival, the Executive Committee will decide whether or not to hold the festival at its meeting on […]

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